Akkreditor nima?

In the letter of credit, the bank authorizes the exporter to issue a bill of exchange not exceeding the specified amount with the bank diverted or the designated bank as the payer under the conditions stipulated in the letter of credit, and to attach the shipping documents as talab qilinadigan va belgilangan joyda tovarlarni o'z vaqtida to'lash.

Akkreditiv bilan to'lashning umumiy tartibi quyidagilardan iborat:

2. The importer submits an application for L/C to the bank where it is located, fills in the application for L/C, and pays a certain deposit for L/C or provides other guarantees, and asks the bank (issuing bank) eksportchi uchun l / c berish;
3. The issuing bank issues a letter of credit with the exporter as the beneficiary according to the content of the application, and notifies the exporter of the letter of credit through its agent bank or correspondent bank in the exporter's location (collectively referred to as the maslahat bank);
4. After the exporter ships the goods and obtains the shipping documents required by the letter of credit, it negotiates the loan with the bank where it is located (it can be the advising bank or other banks) according to the provisions of the letter of kredit;


 Ta'sirchan xorijiy sertifikatlar: "Agar boshqacha ko'rsatilmagan bo'lsa, ushbu sertifikat Xalqaro savdo palatasi" hujjatli kreditlar uchun yagona bojxona palatasiga muvofiq ", ya'ni ICC 600 (" UCP600 ")"

L / c bitimlari uchun mustaqil mavhum printsiplar



Ikkinchidan, kredit xati toza hujjatli operatsiyadir va akkreditivlar tovarlarga bo'ysunmaydigan hujjatlarga nisbatan to'lanadi.


6. Qizil kredit xati
7. Dalillar funktsiyalariga ko'ra, uni aylantirishi mumkin: multio akkreditiv, orqa tomondagi akkreditiv, aktsiya xati, kenjitar akkreditiv
8. Qayta tiklanadigan akkreditivga ko'ra, uni ikkiga bo'lish mumkin: avtomatik aylanadigan, avtomatik aylanmaydigan, yarim avtomatik aylantiruvchi